A Date with a Varied Thrush

Varied thrush

Male Varied thrush perched in red-twig dogwood 

It’s unmistakably autumn
when the strikingly beautiful Varied thrush begins appearing in Pacific Northwest yards, parks, and natural areas. That’s varied, as in Ixoreus naevius, though I’ve also seen various other thrushes—Swainson’s and Hermit—feeding in residential areas from time to time. The scientific name given to this robin-sized bird comes from the Greek ixos, which means “mistletoe,” and oros for “mountain” and the Latin naevius, which translates to “spotted or varied.” If my math is correct, that adds up to “varied berry-loving mountain bird,” or some such.

Since reading the State of the Birds report I’ve felt a twinge of anxiety about whether or not I’d see them this year, as I have each fall and winter since I began creating our “real” garden. Sadly, the Varied thrush is one of dozens of species included on the list of “Common Birds in Steep Decline” that have lost more than half of their global populations within the past 40 years. But just a few days ago I spotted a female rummaging on the ground through the fallen leaves that blanket our yard’s soil, as if she had forgotten where she put her keys: She’d grab a dry leaf in her bill, toss it aside as she hopped backwards, and then search the ground. She was looking for dinner, of course, and apparently found some tasty morsels in the form of insects, slugs, or other arthropods who were hoping to get through the winter under protective leaf “litter.” Varied thrushes also eat fruit and nuts (primarily acorns) during winter and I wondered when she’d return to find the rose hips, patiently dangling off my clustered wild rose (Rosa pisocarpa), as she (or her cousin) had done last year. Apples are also reportedly a favorite food in fall.

Male varied thrush rummages through fallen leaves.

A male Varied thrush rummages through fallen leaves to find food.

Most thrushes wear earthy colors on purpose—so they can be difficult to spot—but this species can be especially tough to see since their gorgeous plumage is reminiscent of dappled sunlight or pumpkin-colored leaves on a forest floor. And they’re timid and wary of people, so you may be more likely to hear one than to see one. But hearing their call in the woods rarely helps locate one, since their ethereal, somewhat mournful voice seems to pervade a peaceful forest. Let’s honor their need to be left alone—sometimes it’s enough just to hear them to be struck by their beauty.

Birds of a feather
Fall through winter, Varied thrushes gather together in flocks, collectively known as a hermitage—a fitting description considering their obligation to be concealed. In the city they act slightly bolder than in quiet forests, coming to within about 15 feet of the house to feed, as well as perch and survey in leafless trees. Their range encompasses the boreal forests of Alaska and the Yukon, southward along the west coast to California, as well as east to Alberta, Idaho, and western Montana. National Geographic records their winter range as “coastal Alaska to southern California and parts of northern Rockies,” but judging by this enthusiastic news account, sightings in southern California may be somewhat rare.

Varied thrush female or immature

Female and immature Varied thrushes look similar.

During the remainder of the year these birds retreat to mature, misty, hushed forests that are dominated by tall conifers and lush ferns, and dine on mostly insects and other arthropods. Many migrate north as the days lengthen. In spring, the female creates her nest in streamside shrubs or conifers, typically 5 to 15 feet above ground. According to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, the nest resembles a robin’s nest: “The female gathers nest material and weaves an outer layer of fir, hemlock, spruce, or alder twigs. She adds a middle layer with rotten wood, moss, mud, or decomposing grass, which hardens into a dense cup about 4 inches across and 2 inches deep. Finally, she lines the cup with fine grasses, soft dead leaves, and fine moss, and drapes pieces of green moss over the rim and outside of the nest.” Two to six eggs, blue with speckles, are laid and incubated by Mom but the hatchlings are tended by both (monogamous) parents; they fledge in about two weeks. They are fed arthropods, as are the majority of land birds. Two broods are produced when possible.

Since these birds thrive in old growth forests, logging is having a profoundly negative impact on their numbers, as will climate change. Window strikes are also responsible for many deaths. Want to help them and see them in your yard?

♦ During fall, winter, and early spring, don’t remove the leaves, twigs, bark, and other dead wood that have fallen from trees onto the soil.

♦ If your yard was historically forest, grow the trees that likely once grew there to provide food and roosting or nesting sites. In coastal B.C., Washington and Oregon, choose Sitka spruce (near the coast), Douglas-fir, western hemlock or western redcedar; in northwestern California choose coastal redwood, Sitka spruce, and red alder.

♦ Thrushes are mainly insectivorous, so add additional “associate” native plants that would naturally grow with the trees to supply extra helpings of native insects and other arthropods.

♦ Include native plants that produce fruits, nuts, or seeds to provide additional forage. Depending on your location, madrone, cascara, garry oak, wild rose, huckleberry, elderberry, honeysuckle, salal, thimbleberry, and dogwood might be good choices.

♦ Be sure birds can see your window glass, not a reflection of the sky. Check out these tips to help birds avoid reflective glass.

© 2014 Eileen M. Stark

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8 thoughts on A Date with a Varied Thrush

  1. I saw my first Varied Thrush last week. This was the first year my Huckelberries really produced so I left half on the bushes, that may have attracted them. Since then I put out pieces of pomegranate, they seem to like that pretty well.

  2. Wonderful! Hopefully you will see more of them as winter progresses.

    The Backyard Bird Shop mentions on their site that varied thrushes also like sunflower chips, millet, and cracked corn. Those are some of the ingredients in a peanut butter & coconut oil “suet” that I made last winter and I recall that they were attracted to it.

  3. This morning, I have a dozen Varied Thrushes in my backyard. They are feeding on the ornamental crab apple tree. They’re such lovely birds! There are also Black Eyed Juncos feeding on all the dead flower seed heads. I leave all the flowers to produce seed heads for the birds and I have so many birds foraging everyday, it’s so lovely to watch and to know that I’ve created a habitat for wildlife. I live in Campbell River, Vanvouver Island.

  4. Lovely post. I have two grape Vines and feel blessed to see these gorgeous birds hopping along with grapes in their beaks. The robins usually chase them off but they thankfully return. Thank you for sharing this.

  5. Ten days ago, a male varied thrush came to my backyard. I know very little about birds, but I am learning. This varied thrush comes very close to me as I sit by a large window that lookis out to my backyard. The bird seems to stare at me. He comes right onto my patio and pecks the peanuts I’ve put out for him. My question: Is it normal for a varied thrush to come so close?
    Oh, and how long might he stay?

    1. They will come quite close if there is food and nothing to scare them away. Typically varied thrushes will stay while there is food and until breeding season begins, generally March or so. Consider offering him some natural foods like the nuts and fruit of native plants as well as insects and other arthropods found under fallen leaves that are left on the soil. Also, please be aware that thrushes are especially vulnerable to reflective windows (especially large ones) … please read here about how you can prevent deadly collisions in your yard: http://realgardensgrownatives.com/?p=1834. Thank you.


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